The American Heart Association Wants YOU!

To get up and start walking!! That’s right, April 6 is “National Start! Walking Day.”

More and more we are becoming a nation of sedentary adults and our children who are sitting around at younger ages are suffering greatly. This really is distressing news. But, it can be changed and it has to start with you. Get up, get moving, grab your kids and go!!

Employers Increasingly Mandating CPR Training for Workers

More and more, companies are realizing the importance of CPR training for their employees.

It just makes sense. Employees spend their entire days in the office amongst co-workers, and the risk for someone undergoing cardiac arrest is unfortunately always prevalent. And when it occurs, every second counts.

BLS Training

BLS (Basic Life Support) training is all about knowing how to administer those very first life savings procedures that could save a life. Helping one feel confident in their ability to perform CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) in an emergency situation and feel competent in the administering those necessary life saving skills is what BLS training hopes […]

Stroke vs. Heart Attack Warning Signs: Understanding the Difference

It is one of the most terrible feelings imaginable: being in the presence of someone who is experiencing severe discomfort or pain, where the risk of a heart attack or stroke is possible. Regardless of if you have the proper CPR training, you can still identify and diagnose warning signs; distinguishing symptoms of an imminent […]

Empowering Teens to Use CPR Effectively

There can be nothing more frightening than witnessing a loved one go into cardiac arrest and collapse. That feeling of helplessness and fear as you dial 911 praying that the responder can get to your loved one immediately to help, is devastating and can be debilitating. It’s a chilling scenario and one that happens frequently at home. The American Heart Association reports that approximately 80% of cardiac arrests happen at home in front of a family member. What happens if that family member is a teen?

Laguna Niguel Residents Attend CPR Training!

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation—also known as CPR—is one of those things you always say you’re going to do but somehow never get around to it.

However, more than 50 people decided to jump onboard to learn the lifesaving technique Sunday.

CPR Training: Critical Skills for Saving Lives

One of the most valuable skills an individual can have is cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR.) The threat of emergency cardiac arrest is very real, and can come at any time, in any public place.

Is There a Healthy Way to Consume Alcohol?

Drinking alcohol has always been controversial. The American Heart Association answers many questions regarding the risks of drinking alcohol. They also offer recommendations regarding the safe amount of alcohol to consume and any real health benefits to alcohol consumption.

American Heart Month! How to Protect Yourself From Heart Disease!

February is American Heart Month. Unfortunately, heart disease is public enemy #1 and kills more Americans every year than any other illness. Aside from taking a CPR Class, how do you keep your family safe and healthy? Check out some tips from WebMD in this week’s blog post!

Orange County Trauma Intervention

Cardiac Arrest affects many more people than the victims. While firefighters treat the person that is having the heart attack, many times there is no time to help the families of the victim. That’s when we call for Orange County TIP.

Want to know more about this amazing organization? Check out our blog post!

BLS CPR Updates!

The new American Heart Association BLS guidelines have been released! What are the majord changes that we are going to see once all of the new teaching materials come out? Here is a basic overview of the most important updates!