OCFA Firefighters and Medics Brought Calm and Focus To Salon Shooting Scene
The Mass Murder in Seal Beach has rocked Orange County. Check out this week’s article that comes from the LA Times about the incident.
CPR Keychain Masks!
CPR Keychain Masks help protect students and encourage bystander CPR! Check out this week’s blog post to see how KeyChainMask.com is helping businesses nationwide protect their students!
New Study Analyzes the Optimal Timeframe for Administering CPR
Does CPR have a timeframe? When will it work? Can you do too much CPR? Check out this week’s blog post!
When CPR Can, Quite Literally, Help Raise the Dead
It is very common for people to think of CPR in an abstract, almost academic sense. After all, a majority of the US population has never witnessed first-hand someone experiencing cardiac arrest, nor have most people seen CPR performed by a bystander.
Interested in Teaching Aerobics? Now is the Time
Want to make some extra money? Aerobics could be the way! Make sure you learn CPR first!
Eat Right and Excersise
If heart disease runs in your family, you need to start educating your children from a very young age about the value in eating the right foods and the importance of exercise. Atherosclerosis, the fatty material that builds up over time to clog arteries, can begin in childhood. Check out this month’s blog post to help save lives!
Yet Another Life-Saving Rescue Underscores the Importance of Onsite CPR Training
Just do a simple news search on “CPR” and within a few seconds, you’ll see a story about a bystander, parent, or teacher who saved a life using CPR. These types of stories are frequent and immensely powerful – and very well-worth mentioning in this space every now and then.
Hot Weather and Heart Attacks
Now that it is officially summer, elderly folks and those at risk for heart attacks need to be even more vigilant about their health and the situations they find themselves in as the temperatures rise. How are Hot Weather and Heart Attacks related? Check out this weeks post!
Online CPR Class Refunds? Not likely…
Recently, we looked at how some groups are offering online CPR courses and why these courses could be a bad idea. Check out our blog page for more info!
Online CPR Training Courses May Not Be All They Seem
Nowadays, it seems everything can be done on-line. Just think about your daily routine: you pay your bills, shop, and make travel reservations without leaving your home. And while it’s true that certain tasks are conducive to the on-line experience, others are not. Can you really learn CPR online?
Training In Bloodborne Pathogens
If your job demands that you come in contact with blood, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires that you become trained in bloodborne pathogens. Our blog post this week is about Bloodborne Pathogen Training.
New Device Assists EMTs in Administering CPR
CPR has been around for decades, but that hasn’t stopped medical experts from trying to perfect it or supplement the technique with new technological advances. Want to know more about new CPR supplements? Check out the SureFire CPR Blog!
When CPR is Needed, the AMA Recommends How to Respond
Even if an individual is not completely certified in CPR, the American Heart Association generally recommends that bystanders nonetheless perform certain actions to help a victim. Read on to find out more in the SureFire CPR Blog!
Pediatric First Aid
New parents have so much they need to think about when they take their new little bundle home from the hospital. One thing they should never have to worry about is what to do if their precious infant stopped breathing. Unfortunately for many this becomes a reality. Pediatric First Aid is the topic of this week’s SureFire CPR blog post.
The AMA Celebrates National CPR Week By Rollin Out Free, 1-Minute Training Video
The week of June 5th is National CPR Week and to celebrate it, the American Heart Association’s has produced a one-minute video highlighting CPR basics to instruct viewers how to aid an individual during cardiac arrest. Check out the video on our SureFire CPR blog!