SureFire CPR Inspires Communities with The Winners of Their #MyLocalHero Contest

#mylocalheroes contest winners

  SureFire CPR is a CPR and First Aid training facility with several locations in Southern California. To spread the word about the importance of helping others and to bring attention to those who make a positive difference in their community, SureFire CPR launched a contest this past October titled #MyLocalHero. The contest aimed to […]

The Top 3 Things People Forget From Their BLS Training Course

The BLS training course is meant for both trained medical professionals as well as lay rescuers that may be required to obtain certification as a career requirement. The American Heart Association sets the standards and guidelines for their courses, and determines what such people need to know to do their jobs properly and able to take action […]

Should CPR And First Aid Training be Mandatory in Schools?

27 U.S. states now have made CPR training a high school graduation requirement. But The number of states in which high schools require students to receive cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training to graduate is growing, a trend that appears likely to continue in the foreseeable future.   As of Dec. 2016, 36 U.S. states have made […]

Top Jobs in Long Beach That Require CPR Certification

Many professionals in Long Beach, CA are required to know CPR in order to be considered for employment, mainly because thousands of health-related emergencies happen every year in the U.S. If you are passionate about helping others in your community and joining the healthcare field, whether in direct-patient care or not, check out these Long […]

Jobs in Los Angeles that Require ACLS Certification

  ACLS certification is a career requirement for many healthcare professionals in Los Angeles. Training involves advanced recognition and treatment skills for a number of serious medical emergencies, and is meant for those involved in the management of medical emergencies such as cardiopulmonary arrest and other cardiovascular emergencies. Many of the top jobs in Los […]

Hospital Fire Safety Training: Does Your Staff Have Current Training?

Healthcare has seen many transformations and updates over just the past few decades. One of these continual updates are the procedures for handling a fire in the hospital.  According to the NFPA, the number of hospital fires is decreasing from year to year, the number dropping from nearly 3,000 in the early 1990’s to 1,200 […]

Survival Kit For Your Home: Be Prepared For An Unexpected Situation

The truth is, you just never know when you may need to be prepared for an emergency situation. We have no way to predict when disastrous situations, including health scares, weather emergencies, and community violence may occur. The best thing you can do for your loved ones in the case of an emergency is to […]

Top Jobs In San Diego That Require BLS Certification

What is a BLS certification and how exactly is it important to everyday life situations? The American Heart Association created the term and declared the meaning as “Basic Life Support.” The more familiar term we hear most often is CPR, and these two medical acronyms can be used in conjunction with each other. Both CPR […]

The Most Important Things To Remember From Your BLS Class

When someone is suffering from a respiratory arrest, cardiac arrest, or is choking, their life is dependent upon the critical thinking skills and swiftness of the emergency personnel. As soon as someone experiences one of these medical emergencies, you need to immediately begin performing Basic Life Support (BLS). Read below for the most important skills […]

What are the Differences Between Various Heart Ailments?

Most people think that when something goes wrong with the heart, it must be a heart attack. In reality, the heart can suffer from many different ailments, and it pays to know the difference – especially when learning CPR or first aid skills. The most common type of heart ailment is coronary heart disease, a […]

Now is the Time to Get School Staff CPR Certified

With another school year just around the corner, there’s never been a better time to get your CPR certification. CPR, or cardiopulmonary resuscitation, is a technique used to save the life of someone experiencing cardiac arrest. It involves a combination of chest compressions and rescue breathing (mouth-to-mouth resuscitation) to restore breathing and blood circulation and […]

CPR Demonstrations at the Firefighter’s Olympics

Inaugurated in 1970, the Firefighter’s Olympics represent the best kind of community-building event: one that showcases the skills of some of its hardest-working citizens, brings people together, and teaches families how they can be better prepared for life’s challenges. SureFire CPR was proud to be on hand last month for the summer 2015 event in […]

New CPR Guidelines to be Released in October 2015

As medical science evolves and our understanding of best resuscitation practices deepens, the guidelines for CPR training are updated every five years. The American Heart Association, in conjunction with the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR), brings together experts from across the globe to develop new strategies and reach an ultimate consensus based on the […]

How Do I Become a CPR Instructor?

First things first: before taking steps to become an educator in emergency health services, understand that it’s usually part of a broader career path that includes other kinds of training and practice in your field. Most CPR instructors – especially those serving at premier institutions like SureFire CPR – start teaching only once they’ve garnered […]

How to Get Your PALS Certification ASAP

Pediatric emergency health care is an exacting discipline, with rigorous protocols specific to the care of infants and children – the most vulnerable patients of all, especially in cases of sudden cardiac crises. Considering the delicateness of the challenge, when every second and every action matters, nothing is more important than being adequately prepared to […]