Basic Life Support Training Orange County

For most, beginning the day without a morning cup of java is unthinkable. In fact, coffee is the mainstay breakfast beverage for over 80% of the adult US population. So how does drinking coffee every day affect your heart? The answer might surprise you.

Training Children in Compression-Only CPR

Very often, we look at the need for onsite CPR training through the lens of adults. Onsite classes are a must for businesses, schools, and any sort of organization for a host of obvious reasons. Yet for equally obvious reasons, it’s also critical to teach children the basics of CPR. Check out how in our blog post!

What To Do If Someone Is Choking

Would you know what to do if someone you were sharing a Valentine’s Day meal with began to choke? There may only be minutes for you to respond and potentially save a life!

CPR Certification – Makes Moral Sense and Business Cents.

In our job-scarce economy, employers with many qualified candidates applying for a position tend to look for special skills that set them apart from their peers. Especially in jobs dealing with the public, Onsite CPR Certification is one of the steps you can take to set yourself apart from your competition. Want to learn how? Check out this week’s blog post!

Another Day, Another Life Saved

As reported by, two teenagers in Sioux Falls, SD saved the lives of two younger boys who nearly drowned in an apartment complex swimming pool. Learn how it happened in our SureFire CPR blog post!

When CPR Can, Quite Literally, Help Raise the Dead

It is very common for people to think of CPR in an abstract, almost academic sense. After all, a majority of the US population has never witnessed first-hand someone experiencing cardiac arrest, nor have most people seen CPR performed by a bystander.

CPR Training is Crucial to Any Outdoor Enthusiast

While many accidents happen inside the home there are those that happen outside. If you are an active individual who has a passion for hiking, mountain climbing, biking, canoeing, etc., being prepared for the outside means knowing what to do in a life threatening accident. How confident are you of your abilities to assess an individual? Wilderness training and remote CPR training teaches both primary and secondary assessments of yourself and your companions.

The Importance of First Aid Training for Electric Power Workers

Many jobs require first aid training for a whole host or reasons. Not surprisingly, many of these jobs are in medical or athletic fields – nursing and health care assistants, child care providers, and members of swimming or dive teams.

But there are a set of other jobs that, while not immediately evident, also require first aid and age-appropriate CRP training given the risks involved.

Employers Increasingly Mandating CPR Training for Workers

More and more, companies are realizing the importance of CPR training for their employees.

It just makes sense. Employees spend their entire days in the office amongst co-workers, and the risk for someone undergoing cardiac arrest is unfortunately always prevalent. And when it occurs, every second counts.

Stroke vs. Heart Attack Warning Signs: Understanding the Difference

It is one of the most terrible feelings imaginable: being in the presence of someone who is experiencing severe discomfort or pain, where the risk of a heart attack or stroke is possible. Regardless of if you have the proper CPR training, you can still identify and diagnose warning signs; distinguishing symptoms of an imminent […]


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