During CPR, Think like a Fireman!

Orange County BLS, CPR, AED, and First Aid Certification

A sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) emergency can occur at any time. And regardless of your cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) or first aid experience, you can provide valuable assistance to an SCA victim, especially if you think like a firefighter.

What does it take to step into a firefighter’s shoes during an SCA emergency? Here are three tips to ensure that you know how to perform like a firefighter in a life-threatening situation:

  1. Stay Calm, Cool and Collected 

Let’s face it – in a dangerous scenario, it often is easy to panic. Conversely, those who stay calm, cool and collected in an emergency can take a deep breath, call 911 and deliver crucial assistance.

Furthermore, remain patient when you dial 911 and be sure to provide the 911 operator with as much information about the emergency as possible. That way, your calm, cool and collected approach may make it easier for you to provide information so the fire department can prepare accordingly.

  1. Be Alert

 After you call 911, emergency responders will rush to your home. However, it may take a few minutes for firefighters and other emergency responders to arrive on scene, so you’ll want to support an SCA victim in any way you can until advanced medical personnel are available.

Ultimately, maintaining a positive outlook can make a world of difference in a life-threatening situation. Stay with an SCA victim, perform CPR and follow the instructions of the dispatcher.   By doing so, you can help the SCA victim and will be able to provide emergency responders with up-to-date information about the victim as soon as they arrive.

Be aware of your surroundings, too. Like a firefighter, you should identify and address any dangers. And if an environment is unsafe, you should relocate to a safe area.

  1. Try to Assist the Fire Department in Any Way Possible

Are you performing CPR or First Aid?  Did you already call 911?

If you answered yes to both of the questions above then, think about where you live! Is it at the end of a long driveway? An apartment complex? Up in a tree?

After you’ve called 911, the fire department will be on their way. Time counts, especially when it comes to CPR.  If your house is tough to find or not numbered, that makes the job of the firefighters much more difficult. If you have extra people around not doing anything, have one of them stand at the street and direct in the fire engine to your house.

Also, it is important to remember that you don’t need to be a firefighter to become a life-saver. Thanks to the CPR classes available from SureFire CPR, you can learn how to conduct CPR, administer first aid and more.

For example, in your CPR class, you will be taught how to control the scene.  People are less likely to panic when you give them a job!  Have someone perform CPR or give First Aid, while the other directs in the firefighters.

Seconds count! Particularly in an emergency. With CPR and first aid classes from SureFire CPR, you’ll be better equipped to offer critical assistance in a range of dangerous scenarios both now and in the future.
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About the author

I spent 15 years as a firefighter and paramedic...

And too often I would arrive on the scene of someone unconscious, surrounded by a circle of people feeling helpless. Sometimes those people would even have CPR training but lacked the confidence and experience to act.

That’s why I started SureFire CPR. Our classes are practical and engaging – teaching you the crucial skills you need to know what to do and feel empowered to take action.

Zack Zarrilli Signature
Zack Zarrilli, Founder

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