How Employers Can Support Mental Health

How Employers Can Support Mental Health

Mental health is a major health concern in the U.S., with millions of Americans suffering from anxiety, stress, depression and other debilitating mental and emotional conditions. The workplace may not seem like an appropriate place to address mental health, but employers can actually have a very positive impact on encouraging people to reach out and […]

The Best Health Resources In Los Angeles

Los Angeles County is home to more than 10 million people, many of whom do not have access to or the ability to pay for medical, health and personal safety services. The resources listed in this blog provide a variety of services to meet the needs of all L.A. County citizens, regardless of their medical […]

Tips for Dealing with Anxiety After an Emergency

Tips for Dealing with Anxiety After an Emergency

An emergency may trigger anxiety for days, weeks or months following the incident itself. And if post-emergency anxiety goes unaddressed, it may be tough for a person to work, play and perform everyday activities. If you are dealing with anxiety after an emergency, it is important to remember that you are not alone. Anxiety disorders […]

Summer Emergency Tips That Will Save Your Life

Summer is a great time to get outdoors and enjoy the beautiful weather. Yet summer emergencies sometimes happen. Fortunately, there are many things you can do to stay safe during summer, and these include: Wear a Bike Helmet Regardless of whether you’re planning a leisurely bike ride on back roads or a rigorous trek along […]

Should Children Learn CPR?

Should Children Learn CPR?

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training is paramount for children. In fact, if kids become CPR-certified, they could help reduce the loss of life in a variety of emergencies. Now, let’s take a look at three real-world examples that highlight the importance of teaching kids how to administer CPR in emergencies. Colorado Teen Uses CPR to Save […]

Baby First Aid: 10 Tips for New Parents

Baby First Aid: 10 Tips for New Parents

  New parents strive to do everything possible to protect their babies. Yet it sometimes can be tough to know exactly how to administer baby first aid. When it comes to baby first aid, there is plenty to consider. Now, let’s take a look at 10 first aid tips for new parents. Learn First Aid […]

Things You Need to Do During a Fire

Things You Need To Do During A Fire

Last year, wildfires in California destroyed thousands of acres of land across the northern and southern portions of the state. These wildfires spread quickly and led to mandatory evacuations in many cities and towns. They also have raised questions about how people can handle the dangers associated with fire emergencies. The California wildfires ultimately may […]

Want to Save a Life in 2018? Why You Need to Get CPR-Certified

Want to Save a Life in 2018? Why You Need to Get CPR-Certified

2018 has arrived, but it’s not too late to make a New Year’s resolution. If you resolve to become certified in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), you could make 2018 a year you won’t soon forget. Ultimately, there are many reasons why you need to get CPR-certified this year, and these include: CPR may prove to be […]

Maximizing Your Safety for Holiday Travels

Maximizing Your Safety for Holiday Travels

Planning to celebrate the holiday season with loved ones? You’re not alone, and as such, you may encounter lots of traffic as you travel from Point A to Point B. The holiday season is one of the most popular long-distance travel periods of the year. The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) points out long-distance travel […]

Emergency Concerns: Here’s What You Need to Know

Emergency Concerns: Here's what you need to know

  In an emergency situation, what are your biggest concerns? A recent Instamotor survey of more than 2,000 California residents examined this question in detail, and key findings from the survey included: Earthquakes (33%) topped the list of emergency concerns among respondents, followed by terrorist attacks (29%). 53% of respondents said they are not prepared […]

Safety Rules for Evacuations

safety rules for evacuations

Earthquakes, hurricanes and other natural disasters can cause substantial damage in short periods of time. They may even lead local officials to evacuate cities and towns to help limit the potential loss of life in these life-threatening situations. If an emergency happens and an evacuation follows, what should you do? Ultimately, understanding how to respond […]

A Day in the Life of a Medical Emergency Expert

A Day in the Life of a Medical Emergency Expert

No two medical emergencies are exactly alike. However, emergency responders are expected to know exactly what to do in all medical emergencies, at all times. Without the right skills and training, emergency responders will struggle to administer life-saving support to those in need. According to one medical emergency expert, working in EMS is like riding […]

Safety Tools That Every Office Should Have

Safety Tools Every Office Should Have

Accidents can happen in any office, at any time. In fact, a recent U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Survey of Occupational Illnesses and Injuries revealed approximately 3 million non-fatal injuries and illnesses affected private industry workers and 722,000 impacted state and local government workers in 2014. Now, just imagine how much lower these figures might […]

The Cost of Not Being CPR-Certified

For those who are looking to earn cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) certification, it pays to choose a proven CPR training provider. By doing so, an individual can become a CPR expert in no time at all. Plus, this individual can learn what it takes to administer life-saving assistance to cardiac arrest and heart attack victims. Cardiac […]

Top 5 Reasons for Being CPR Certified

5 reasons for being CPR certified

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) represents a life-saving skill. It empowers everyday people to become heroes, enabling them to resuscitate someone who goes into cardiac arrest. At the same time, earning CPR certification may seem like a major struggle, particularly for those who have limited time and resources at their disposal. But individuals who spend even a […]