Should Children Learn CPR?

Should Children Learn CPR?

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training is paramount for children. In fact, if kids become CPR-certified, they could help reduce the loss of life in a variety of emergencies.

Now, let’s take a look at three real-world examples that highlight the importance of teaching kids how to administer CPR in emergencies.

  1. Colorado Teen Uses CPR to Save Her Dad’s Life

Niyele Jenkins, a 15-year-old resident of Loveland, Colorado, recently saved her father’s life thanks in large part to the CPR training she received at her high school.

According to the Reporter-Herald, Arabee Jenkins, Niyele’s father, went to an urgent care facility on Feb. 16. Arabee was diagnosed with strep throat and returned home with antibiotics the same day. However, on Feb. 19, Arabee felt weak at work, and his boss drove him to the emergency room. Arabee received a treatment of fluids and medication and was sent home. Then, on Feb. 20, Arabee woke up feeling ill and eventually became dizzy. He also struggled to breathe, and his body became stiff.

Lucky for Arabee, Niyele was home. And when Arabee called for help, Niyele was ready to respond. Upon hearing her father, Niyele responded and called her mother, grandmother and 911. Meanwhile, the 911 dispatcher guided Niyele as she administered CPR to her father, who had stopped breathing several times.

Niyele admitted she was scared to perform CPR techniques on her father, but she did not show it. Instead, she performed CPR chest compressions and rescue breaths on her father until emergency responders arrived at her home.

Arabee was later diagnosed with sepsis and returned home several days after the incident. He praised his daughter and believes he would not be alive if not for his daughter’s heroic efforts. He also credits Niyele’s high school for providing CPR training to its students and encourages other schools to do the same.

  1. Ohio High School Student Puts Her CPR Training into Action

Last October, Chuck Glover, an assistant track coach at Twinsburg High School in Ohio, suddenly collapsed at a school gym. Glover suffered a massive heart attack; he later told ABC News. Fortunately, 17-year-old high school student and lifeguard Nicole Fruscella was completing her homework near the gym at the time that Glover collapsed. And when Fruscella found out about Glover’s collapse, she was prepared to put her CPR training into action.

Armed with an automated external defibrillator (AED), Fruscella arrived at the gym less than 3 minutes after Glover collapsed. As a lifeguard, Fruscella received CPR training twice a month and knew exactly how to set up and use the AED, she said. She followed the device’s instructions, and emergency medical services (EMS) professionals arrived on scene shortly thereafter.

Glover received heart surgery immediately after he arrived at the hospital. He later underwent a second procedure as well.

Glover points out he feels like Fruscella “was an angel on [his] shoulder” when he collapsed. He says Fruscella is a major reason why he is still alive today. And now, whenever Glover sees Fruscella, he wants to give her a big hug in gratitude for her life-saving efforts.

It is also important for teachers and educators alike, to tie in safety into their curriculum.

  1. Oklahoma Teen Uses “The Sandlot” for CPR Inspiration

Miller Wilke, a teenager from Edmond, Oklahoma, knew to act fast when his housekeeper, Marianna, recently stopped breathing. He immediately notified his mother, Monica, and called 911. The 911 dispatcher then walked Miller and Monica through the necessary steps to administer CPR chest compressions and rescue breaths.

Together, Miller and Monica performed CPR on Marianna; Miller administered chest compressions to Marianna, and Monica performed rescue breaths. Within about 5 minutes of contacting 911, emergency responders arrived.

Marianna was transported to the hospital. She survived her life-threatening incident thanks to the efforts of Miller and Monica.

Miller told KFOR-TV that he knew about CPR from watching the movie “The Sandlot” as a kid. Also, Marianna’s family members said her doctors told them whoever administered CPR did a great job.

Why Should Kids Become CPR-Certified?

Believe it or not, many states do not require school-age children to earn CPR certification – despite the fact that CPR training can make a difference in many emergencies.

For instance, a cardiac arrest victim’s survival often depends on a bystander’s ability to perform CPR. Nearly 90% of individuals who suffer out-of-hospital cardiac arrests die, the American Heart Association (AHA) notes. Yet the AHA also points out that if an individual receives CPR in the first few minutes of cardiac arrest, it could double or triple this person’s chance of survival.

Emergencies can happen at homes, schools, playgrounds and many other settings. They occur without notice, and most bystanders do not know how to respond accordingly. Now, CPR training for kids empowers children to become difference-makers in emergencies.

As the aforementioned examples show, anyone can perform CPR to help save a life. By becoming CPR-certified, kids can be the difference between life and death for family members, friends and others.

How Can Kids Become CPR-Certified?

Parents and kids can receive CPR certification at the same time if they enroll in CPR training classes from SureFire CPR. Our CPR classes are designed for individuals of all ages and experience levels. They are taught by expert instructors who use a combination of hands-on and classroom lessons to educate students about CPR. Plus, our CPR classes enable students to earn a two-year CPR certification card in a matter of hours.

To find out more about our CPR training classes, please contact us today at (888) 277-3143.

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About the author

I spent 15 years as a firefighter and paramedic...

And too often I would arrive on the scene of someone unconscious, surrounded by a circle of people feeling helpless. Sometimes those people would even have CPR training but lacked the confidence and experience to act.

That’s why I started SureFire CPR. Our classes are practical and engaging – teaching you the crucial skills you need to know what to do and feel empowered to take action.

Zack Zarrilli Signature
Zack Zarrilli, Founder

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