San Francisco CPR Training!

The SureFire CPR staff recently traveled to the San Francisco Zoo to train its staff in CPR and First Aid. The Zoo provides summer camp for children ages 4-14 where they learn about different wildlife and animals! The training was specifically geared towards emergencies most common to zoos, including cardiac arrests, allergic reactions, animal bites, choking, and much more. Thanks to the San Francisco Zoo Staff for a great class! Check out our pictures below!

Know someone who needs CPR Training? Have them call us at 888-277-3143, or visit our website at to schedule their CPR Class!

CPR Manikins – A Dummies Guide (Part 2)

In last week’s post, we reviewed the 3 things that are most important to choosing a CPR manikin: Durability, Cleanliness, and Price. In this week’s post, we will give the “no brainer” award to the top CPR Dummy on the market.

How to Become the Office Superhero

So it’s that time of year again… CPR Training. Great. Another day wasted with bad videos and boring instructors. Pass me the toothpicks so that I can jam them under my eyelids to keep them open! Does this sound familiar?

Want to be the office hero? Read this week’s article!

CPR – Costa Rican Style

Last month, SureFire CPR traveled to Costa Rica and trained the locals!  Armed with homemade dummies complete with coconut heads, the SureFire CPR team trained the teaching staff at Intercultura Language and Cultural Center.  Intercultura’s campus is beachfront in the beautiful town of Samara located on Costa Rica’s Pacific coast.   In Costa Rica it […]


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