Kids proliferate when the sun comes out! They can be seen everywhere this summer.
Skateboards whoosh, rubber grating against cement, sending unexpected chills up a pedestrian’s back. Bikers glide in packs, heads down and feet flying as pedals push a whir of rotating tires, maneuvering around clusters of youth huddled together on sidewalks. Most of this is achieved while mildly aware of immediate surroundings, nearly always employing the use of an electronic device. It’s a out-of-doors jungle out there!
Summertime – the season in which humankind takes on life. Overhead, the sun climbs higher in cloudless blue skies accompanied by certain increased energy. The anticipation of change, of possibilities and a unique inner understanding that today will be different runs rampant. Everywhere, people are engaged in life – a cacophony of culture to be enjoyed. But safety still remains a necessity and a few tips to survive the chaos of the kid mobs are always welcome.
Driving in Southern California behooves everyone to stay alert for cars with teenagers aboard. Guaranteed is the likelihood that an inexperienced driver will do something erratic. Good foresight always gives these vehicles (especially those with brightly colored surfboards protruding from one or more open windows) plenty of room on the road.
Safe Summer Fun and Multitasking

I discovered the sidewalks aren’t safe when the sun comes out! A simple walk with my dog turned into a near fatal catastrophe when a teenager on a bike riding down the sidewalk while talking on a cell phone nearly took us all out. I strolled unaware of the oncoming “multitasker,” my dog on a leash and a “souvenir bag” reserved only for pet-owners in hand, while looking for a trash can. Not a problem until discovering (a little too late) that we were on an imminent collision course. In one miraculous moment, the young biker abandoned his electronic device and looked up just in time to see the dog bolting for the exit – right in front of his front tire. My souvenir bag was launched with the same prowess a javelin thrower displays while the dog vaulted across the sidewalk, just missing the tire. Fortunately, no one was injured – except maybe my pride. I decided then that multitasking is over-rated.
Indeed, my new theory is supported by “the official reports.” Even with the massive amount of brain processing power human beings possess, we generally can only do one thing at a time, really. Yes, we can talk on a phone while walking the dog and carrying a just-purchased coffee beverage. Perhaps we ride a bike while scanning a local map en route to meet a girlfriend for lunch. Something will get short changed in the end and the “dog-souvenir” bag will go flying!
That’s not to say life should be avoided – Engage – Connect – just be alert for the day dreamers out there on the road of life. Should you find yourself facing an accident this summer, emergency training can help move past the injury and back into the fun. In Orange County, year round safety and First Aid education is offered so life’s unexpected moments will be manageable. For greater emergencies, CPR training is provided. Let’s get ready for the unexpected this season.