With summer in full effect, everyone is looking to cool off! People flock to the pool every summer, but before you do, make sure you know these 5 things!
1.) CPR – Take a CPR class in case the worst happens. CPR can double a victim’s chance of survival. Anyone watching children in the pool should know adult, child, and infant CPR. Babysitters should always have a CPR certification.
2.) Never Leave a Child Unattended – Drowning happens without a sound. It is extremely important to keep a close eye on swimming children. Designate a “water watcher” who’s sole job is to watch kids in the pool. No TV, no books, just watching.
3.) Swim Lessons – Every child should take swim lessons. There are lessons available for infants as well that teach infants how to roll on their back and float in case of an accident.
4.) Install Pool Fences and Covers – Pool fences should lock securely and self close. Pool covers add an additional aspect of safety. Just remember to remove the cover completely when it is time to swim.
5.) Remove Toys from the Pool After Swimming – Floating toys can tempt children to reach into the water and fall into the pool unattended.
Pool fun can easily be the highlight of any child’s summer. By following these 5 steps, you will be armed to deal with any emergencies that may occur. Assigning a water watcher, learning CPR, and safeguarding your pool will ensure a great summer for everyone.