CPR Training is Crucial to Any Outdoor Enthusiast

While many accidents happen inside the home there are those that happen outside. If you are an active individual who has a passion for hiking, mountain climbing, biking, canoeing, etc., being prepared for the outside means knowing what to do in a life threatening accident. How confident are you of your abilities to assess an individual? Wilderness training and remote CPR training teaches both primary and secondary assessments of yourself and your companions.

The purpose of a primary assessment is to preserve the life of the victim, taking action where needed. Once the victim’s life-threatening conditions have been addressed, the rescuer must begin the secondary assessment – monitoring his condition, gathering information and finding other conditions that require treatment.” http://www.scribd.com/doc/22039038/Primary-Secondary-Assessment

A few of the topics covered include: head, neck and spinal injuries, hypothermia, altitude-related illnesses, wounds and wound infection, to name a few.

These skills cannot be stressed enough when you are facing a life and death situation.  You may have remembered to bring along the proper safety gear (bottled water, first aid kit, cell phone, bug spray, life jacket), but do you know what to do when real disaster strikes? If you are an active person and take to the wilderness any chance you can, finding  Los Angeles CPR Training that offers CPR certification in wilderness training is another important tool you can take along with you as you head out to enjoy the outdoors!

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About the author

I spent 15 years as a firefighter and paramedic...

And too often I would arrive on the scene of someone unconscious, surrounded by a circle of people feeling helpless. Sometimes those people would even have CPR training but lacked the confidence and experience to act.

That’s why I started SureFire CPR. Our classes are practical and engaging – teaching you the crucial skills you need to know what to do and feel empowered to take action.

Zack Zarrilli Signature
Zack Zarrilli, Founder

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