CPR Changes! 2010 Guidelines Are Released!

CPR Changes! Now CPR Focuses more on compressions.


Last night the updated 2010 CPR guidelines were released by the American Heart Association.  What changed?  Here’s the down and dirty of what’s to come in 2010.   Check out the American Heart Association update in the video below.


YouTube video

Highlights of the Latest CPR Changes:

If you took a CPR class in the past, you probably remember “A-B-C.”  This stood for Airway, Breathing, and Circulation.  Now the AHA has found that compressions (circulation) are the most important and they have changed it to “C-A-B” with compressions first.

An emphasis on quality CPR is included as well.  Quality CPR encompasses:

1.) Minimizing interruptions between compressions and breaths

2.) Adequate compression depth of at least 2″ (for adult victims)

3.) Allowing complete chest recoil after pushing down on the chest.


Hands-Only CPR is encouraged for untrained members of the public, but compressions and breaths are preferred for those trained in CPR.   These guidelines will go into effect as soon as all of the new training materials are released (expected early 2011).


What do you think of the changes? Let us know by commenting below! Have a great week!

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About the author

I spent 15 years as a firefighter and paramedic...

And too often I would arrive on the scene of someone unconscious, surrounded by a circle of people feeling helpless. Sometimes those people would even have CPR training but lacked the confidence and experience to act.

That’s why I started SureFire CPR. Our classes are practical and engaging – teaching you the crucial skills you need to know what to do and feel empowered to take action.

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Zack Zarrilli, Founder

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