Bloodborne Pathogens

Bloodborne pathogens are infectious materials that are spread through the blood. Learning about bloodborne pathogen safety is essential for any medical professional who may encounter blood or other bodily fluids on the job.

Bloodborne pathogens infographic SureFire CPR

What Are Bloodborne Pathogens?

Bloodborne pathogens are infectious content within the blood that can spread viruses like HBV and HIV. These microorganisms pose a risk to healthcare workers who encounter blood and bodily fluids in the field.

OSHA Standard

OSHA’s Bloodborne Pathogens Standard protects employees who may be exposed to health hazards including bloodborne pathogens. It recommends exposure control plans, vaccinations, and other best practices.

Controlling Exposure

It’s important to follow all guidelines related to bloodborne pathogens such as avoiding contact with bodily fluids, wearing personal protective equipment, and covering any existing cuts, scrapes, or sores.

How To Get A Bloodborne Pathogens Certification?

Take a bloodborne pathogens certification class from a trusted educator like SureFire CPR. Once you’ve completed the course, your certification will be valid for one full year.

Ready to take a Bloodborne Pathogens class?

Getting a Bloodborne Pathogens certification is easy with SureFire CPR. We offer a self-directed online training course so you can learn at your own pace, in the convenience of your home. The course takes under an hour and you’ll receive a same-day certification for your employer.

Looking to get certified in Bloodborne Pathogens?

Individual ACLS Class

Individual Bloodborne Pathogens Class

Take the Bloodborne Pathogens online course designed for who those are at risk for on-the-job exposure.


I spent 15 years as a firefighter and paramedic, and Bloodborne Pathogen Certification is essential.
As a healthcare worker, exposure to blood and other bodily fluids is inevitable, but the spread of infection is not. Bloodborne Pathogens training ensures you can act quickly to keep yourself and others safe during critical moments. This certification will teach you how bloodborne pathogens are spread, how to avoid exposure, and what to do if you are exposed –– knowledge that could save a life.

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Bloodborne Pathogens Blog

Bloodborne Pathogens FAQ's

The top three most common bloodborne pathogens are Hepatitis C (HCV), Hepatitis B (HBV), and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

Personal protective equipment (PPE) can help prevent the spread of bloodborne pathogens.

If equipment or work surfaces have become exposed to blood or other bodily fluids, you can sanitize the area with a disinfectant solution.

If you are exposed to bloodborne pathogens, the first thing you should do is thoroughly wash your injury, cut, or exposed skin with soap and water.


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