If you are a healthcare professional involved in the delivery and care of newborns in Riverside County, SureFire CPR’s Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP) at our Corona facility is the ideal opportunity for you to get the training and certification required to work in your field. Our affordable, convenient and industry-leading NRP certification classes are designed for pediatricians, respiratory therapists, and nurses, and are also recommended for students interested in this field. Whether this is your first time taking Neonatal Resuscitation classes, or you’re looking to refresh your skills; our Corona NRP classes will help you get the best, hands-on training possible.
SureFire CPR NRP Course
The NRP certification program from SureFire CPR includes 3 parts: a series of online training modules, skills practice at our facility in Corona, and a skills test at our facility. If you’re looking to work at the Corona Regional Medical Center, or any other facility in Riverside County, our classes and location are perfect for you. Our NRP certification covers a wide range of topics required for those professionals who work in the delivery room or with newborns, and all training sessions and testing is conducted by our elite team of instructors who offer first-hand knowledge and real-life expertise, including NICU nurses.

Topics covered in SureFire CPR’s NRP certification classes include:
- How to Identify and Use Neonatal Resuscitation Equipment
- Initial Assessments of Newborns
- Positive Pressure Ventilation
- Neonatal CPR and Intubation
- Medication Dosing and Administration
- Integration of all Neonate Skills (Neonatal Megacode)
At SureFire CPR we do everything we can to help you succeed, which is why our NRP classes and skills checks are designed to be a low-stress, supportive learning environment. And because we know that you have a busy schedule, the online training modules and our NRP certification classes are conveniently located in Corona and offered on a variety of days and times to best your needs.
The self-paced online training portion of your NRP certification must be purchased separately from the American Academy of Pediatrics, and must be completed prior your neonatal resuscitation skills session with SureFire CPR. There are 9 modules in the online NRP course, and one hour of CME/CE credit is provided for each module by the American Academy of Pediatrics for Physicians, P.A.s, Nurses, and EMTs once the online portion is completed. Depending on your job requirements, you may be advised to only take sections 1-4 and 9; however, we recommend that you take all nine modules to help make sure that you cover all of the material needed for NRP certification.
Once you have completed the online portion of the Neonatal Resuscitation classes, you will have 30 days to complete the skills session. You’ll be able to select the class times that work best with your schedule and attend our state-of-the art facility in Corona, where you will receive hands-on training from our team of highly qualified instructors.
The NRP certification program from SureFire CPR is designed and taught by a team of highly trained professionals and utilizes the latest research available on best clinical guidelines and practices. Our NRP course is also frequently evaluated and updated to incorporate the most current methods and recommendations in the medical profession.
To learn more about our NRP certification program, contact us today.