Many parents are considering having their children learn the basics of life support. With more and more parents having to go back to work, grandparents are becoming the caregivers during the day. And while this works out perfectly in terms of grandparents being able to spend quality time with their grandchildren and help to save the parents money on childcare, there are also concerns that no one else will be with the grandparent in the event of an accident, except the child.
While this may not be a medical concern for many older adults, there are those who have been diagnosed with heart problems who would benefit from someone, no matter the age, knowing what to do in an emergency. It has been suggested that children as young as 9 years old are able to successfully learn basic life- support.
There are Orange County CPR Classes available for all ages. If a younger person remembers to call 911 in an emergency and is able to begin basic life support, there is a very good chance they will save the life of their grandparent.