Why New Mothers Need CPR Training

Why new mothers need CPR

For new mothers, everyday life is both exciting and stressful. A new mom’s day-to-day activities center around a newborn, and she will do everything possible to ensure her baby is safe and healthy. That way, a new mom can reduce the risk of emergencies that may put her son or daughter at risk.

How a new mom responds in a child emergency is paramount. Ultimately, a new mom needs to react quickly and effectively in any emergency, at any time. Without this ability, a new mom may inadvertently put her child’s life in danger.

For example, choking is a major problem among children across the United States. The American Heart Association (AHA) states over 90 percent of deaths due to foreign objects occur among children who are 5 years of age or younger, and 65 percent of these deaths take place among infants.

If a child starts choking, how will a new mom respond? It all depends on the new mom’s training. And if a new mom receives training in a broad range of life-saving techniques, she will know exactly what to do if her son or daughter begins choking.

Let’s face it – there’s no guidebook to being a new mom. But new moms can always prepare for the worst-case scenarios to ensure the well-being of their children.

Many moms-to-be will take classes that provide insights into what to expect after a baby is born. These classes often help moms-to-be plan ahead for life with a newborn. Yet few moms enroll in training that teaches them how to administer cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) to children and infants.

CPR training is a must-have for new moms, and for good reason. To better understand why this is the case, consider the following statistics from UNICEF:

  • Roughly 20,000 children under the age of 5 years old – or 21 children per minute – die from preventable causes each year.
  • On average, 11 million children die annually.
  • The majority of annual child deaths globally could be prevented by low-tech, cost-effective measures.

A new mom’s decision to learn CPR may prove to be the difference between life and death for her child, which is reflected in several statistics from the AHA.

Seventy percent of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest incidents take place at home, according to the AHA. This means an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest victim is likely to be a family member, friend or other loved ones.

Additionally, the AHA points out that nine out of 10 people who suffer out-of-hospital cardiac arrest die. On the other hand, if a bystander performs CPR in the first few minutes of cardiac arrest, this individual can double or triple a cardiac arrest victim’s chances of survival.

Clearly, CPR is important, yet few people dedicate the necessary time and resources to become CPR-certified. But what most people – new moms included – don’t realize is just how easy it is to earn CPR certification.

A CPR class usually requires only a few hours to complete, and the course’s benefits can last a lifetime. In fact, with CPR training, new moms can gain the skills they need to administer life-saving assistance in many child, infant and adult emergencies.

Typically, a CPR class emphasizes three areas:

  • Administration of CPR: Ensures students know how to perform CPR techniques on any individual, regardless of age.
  • Use of an Automated External Defibrillator (AED): Enables students to leverage an AED, a portable device that sends an electric shock to the heart to restore the normal heart rhythm.
  • Aid for Conscious and Unconscious Choking Victim: Guarantees students can assist choking victims until advanced medical personnel are available.

CPR classes blend hands-on and classroom lessons – something that is exceedingly important to new moms who want to gain real world experience.

In many instances, emergencies happen without notice. And if new moms lack the necessary skills and confidence to perform CPR techniques in critical scenarios, they may struggle to save a child’s life.

Fortunately, CPR training enables a new mom to build her CPR skill set over time. The training features hands-on lessons that enable students to perform CPR techniques on child and infant sized mannequins. As such, new moms can see how far they need to tilt a child’s head back when administering mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, how hard to strike a choking child’s back and much more.

Let’s not forget about the classroom lessons included in CPR classes, either. These lessons are taught by expert medical personnel like firefighters, EMTs, paramedics and registered nurses who understand what it takes to become a life-saver in an emergency. As a result, new moms can receive deep insights into CPR techniques from experienced instructors.

New moms won’t have to look far to enroll in CPR classes too. Thanks to SureFire CPR, new moms can participate in fun, engaging and informative CPR training at their convenience.

SureFire CPR is dedicated to helping individuals of all ages and experience levels become CPR-certified. As part of this commitment, we offer CPR classes at a variety of locations, dates and times each week. This ensures that new moms and others should have no trouble finding a CPR class that corresponds to their schedule.

What separates SureFire CPR from other CPR training providers is our attention to detail. Our CPR classes are designed to help students become lifesavers in their respective communities and encourage active participation. Therefore, any time a student has a CPR concern or question, our instructors are happy to respond.

Lastly, SureFire CPR classes represent ideal options for all members of the family. If a new mom and dad want to take a CPR class together, we provide that option. Or, if a new mom wants to enroll in CPR training with grandparents, godparents, friends or anyone else, we have group training options to make it easy for everyone to earn their CPR certification at the same time.

New moms who are on the lookout for CPR training should consider any of the classes provided by SureFire CPR. To find out more about our CPR classes, please contact us today at (888) 277-3143.

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About the author

I spent 15 years as a firefighter and paramedic...

And too often I would arrive on the scene of someone unconscious, surrounded by a circle of people feeling helpless. Sometimes those people would even have CPR training but lacked the confidence and experience to act.

That’s why I started SureFire CPR. Our classes are practical and engaging – teaching you the crucial skills you need to know what to do and feel empowered to take action.

Zack Zarrilli Signature
Zack Zarrilli, Founder

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