Thank you for visiting our discount page! We are happy to help support our fellow medical professionals. The 15% discount is valid for ACLS, BLS, PALS, PEARS, and NRP Courses only. It is not valid on online courses.
Save 15% off your training in 3 easy steps:
- Find your profession or school promo code from the list below.
- Click the “Register Now” button at the bottom of the page.
- Choose your class and enter your promo code when you check out.

Fire Department | Promo Code |
Alhambra Fire | ALHAMBRAFD |
Anaheim Fire | ANAHEIMFD |
Arcadia Fire | ARCADIAFD |
Brea Fire | BREAFD |
Burbank Fire | BURBANKFD |
Cal Fire | CALFD |
Compton Fire | COMPTONFD |
Corona Fire | CORONAFD |
Costa Mesa Fire | CMFD |
Culver City Fire | CCFD |
Downey Fire | DOWNEYFD |
El Segundo Fire | ESFD |
Fountain Valley Fire | FVFD |
Fullerton Fire | FULLERTONFD |
Garden Grove Fire | GGFD |
Glendale Fire | GLENDALEFD |
Huntington Beach Fire | HBFD |
LA City Fire | LAFD |
LA County Fire | LACOFD |
La Habra Fire | LHFD |
Laguna Beach Fire | LAGUNAFD |
Long Beach Fire | LBFD |
Manhattan Beach Fire | MBFD |
Monrovia Fire | MONROVIAFD |
Montebello Fire | MONTEBELLOFD |
Monterey Park Fire | MPFD |
Murrieta Fire | MURRIETAFD |
Newport Beach Fire | NBFD |
Norco Fire | NORCOFD |
Orange City Fire | ORANGEFD |
Orange County Fire Authority | OCFA |
Palm Springs Fire | PSFD |
Pasadena Fire | PASADENAFD |
Redondo Beach Fire | RBFD |
Riverside City Fire | RIVERSIDEFD |
San Bernardino County Fire | SBCOFD |
San Gabriel Fire | SGFD |
San Marino Fire | SANMARINOFD |
Santa Fe Springs Fire | SFSFD |
Santa Monica Fire | SMFD |
South Pasadena Fire | SPFD |
Torrance Fire | TORRANCEFD |
Vernon Fire | VERNONFD |
West Covina Fire | WCFD |
Ambulance Company | Promo Code |
Americare | AMERICARE |
Bauer’s | BAUERS |
Care | CARE |
Doctor’s | DOCTORS |
Emergency | EMERGENCY |
Lynch | LYNCH |
McCormick | MCCORMICK |
Shoreline | SHORELINE |
Hospital | Promo Code |
Anaheim Regional | ANAHEIM |
Ballard Rehabilitation Hosp. | BALLARD |
Canyon Ridge Hospital | CANYONRIDGE |
Chapman Medical Center | CHAPMAN |
Children’s Hospital Los Angeles | CHLA |
Chino Valley Medical Center | CVMC |
Coast Plaza Doctor’s Hosp. | COAST |
Coastal Communities Hospital | COASTAL |
College Hospital Costa Mesa | COLLEGECM |
College Hospitals | COLLEGE |
Corona Regional Hospital | CORONA |
Eisenhower Medical Center | EISENHOWER |
Fountain Valley Hospital | FOUNTAIN |
Fountain Valley Medical Center | FVMMC |
Garden Grove Hospital | GROVE |
Glendale Adventist | GLENDALEADVENTIST |
Glendale Memorial | GLENDALEMEMO |
Healthbridge Children’s Hospital | HEALTHBRIDGE |
HealthSouth Rehabilitation Hospital | HEALTHSOUTH |
Hoag Hospital | HOAG |
Huntington Beach Hospital | HBH |
Huntington Memorial | HMH |
Kaiser Hospitals | KAISER |
Kindred Hospitals | KINDRED |
La Palma Community Hospitals | LAPALMA |
Loma Linda Hospital | LOMALINDA |
Long Beach Memorial | LBMEMORIAL |
Long Beach Memorial Med. Center | LBMMC |
Long Beach Miller Childrens | MILLER |
Mission Hopital | MISSION |
Orange Coast Memorial Medical Center | OCMMC |
Parkview Community Hospital | PARKVIEW |
PIH Health/Hopitals | PIH |
Placentia Linda Hospital | PLH |
Riverside Community Hospital | RIVERSIDE |
Saddleback Memorial Laguna Hills | SMMCLH |
Saddleback Memorial San Clemente | SMMCSC |
St. Bernardine Med. Ctr | BERNARDINE |
St. Francis Medical Center | FRANCIS |
St. John’s Health Center | JOHN |
St. Jospeh’s Hopital | JOE |
St. Jude Hospital | JUDE |
St. Luke’s Hospital | LUKE |
St. Mary’s Medical Center | SMMC |
UCI Medical Center | UCI |
West Anaheim Medical Center | WAMC |
Western Medical Center | WESTMED |
Whittier Presbyterian Hospital | WHITTIER |
Nursing School | Promo Code |
American Career College | ACC |
Azuza Pacific University | AZUSA |
Biola University | BIOLA |
Cal State Domiguez Hills | CSDH |
Cal State Fullerton | CSUF |
Cal State Long Beach | CSULB |
Cal State San Marcos | CSSM |
California Baptist University | CBU |
California Baptist University Nursing | CBUNURSING |
Cerritos College | CERRITOS |
Chapman University | CHAPMAN |
CNI College | CNI |
Concorde Career College | CONCORDE |
Concordia University | CONCORDIA |
Cypress College | CYPRESS |
East Los Angeles College | ELAC |
Golden West College | GWC |
Kaplan College | KAPLAN |
Loma Linda University EMS Program | LLUEMS |
Long Beach City College | LBCC |
Moreno Valley College | MORENO |
Mount Sac | MTSAC |
Mt. Saint Mary’s College | MOUNT |
Newbridge College | NEWBRIDGE |
North Coast Rehabilitation | NORTHCOAST |
Orange Coast College | OCC |
Pacific College | PACIFIC |
Rio Hondo COllege | RIO |
Riverside City College | RCC |
Saddleback College | SADDLEBACK |
Santa Ana College | SAC |
South Coast College | SOUTHCOAST |
Stanbridge College | STANBRIDGE |
UCI Nursing Students | UCINURSING |
University of Phoenix | PHOENIX |
Vanguard University | VANGUARD |
Westcoast University | WESTCOAST |
Western University of Allied Sciences | WESTERNU |
Home Health/Caregiving/Behavioral Health | Promo Code |
A1 Healthcare | A1HEALTH |
Absolute Healthcare | ABSOLUTE |
Atria Senior Living | ATRIA |
BrightStar Care | BRIGHTSTAR15 |
Cross Country Per Diem | CROSSCOUNTRY |
Eagle Glen Care Home | EAGLEGLEN |
Elisabeth Healthcare Caregivers | ELISABETH |
Golden Years Assisted Living | GOLDENYEARS |
North Coast Medical | NORTHCOAST |
Premier Healthcare Services | PREMIER15 |
Roz Home Care | ROZ1 |
Sea Crest Home Health Services | SEACREST |
Senior Helpers | HELPER |
Solid Landing’s Behavioral Health | SOLIDLANDINGS |
Non Profit Organizations | Promo Code |
Active Military | MILITARY |
Alzheimer’s Association of Irvine | ALZHEIMER |
Boy Scouts | BOYSCOUTS |
Boys and Girls Club | BAGC |
Girl Scouts | GIRLSCOUTS |
Goodwill | GOODWILL |
Grandma’s House of Hope | GRANDMAS |
LA County Office of Education | LACOE |
Los Alamitos Youth Baseball League | LAYB |
Mary’s Shelter | MARYS |
The Bridgeteen Center | BRIDGETEEN |
By clicking below, I agree that I am a current hospital employee or nursing student. I also understand that I must bring a copy of my current student or employee ID with me to class. I understand that if I do not have my ID, I will not receive the discount.
If you have any questions, please call us! (888) 277-3143.
The SureFire CPR Team