Babysitters and CPR

Does your babysitter have the skills to intervene in an emergency with your little one? Do you as a child care provider know what to do when seconds count? Find out more about babysitting, child care and CPR.

Real Life Heroes of CPR – A Brother to the Rescue

Unexpectedly a brother found his sibling unconscious and in respiratory distress. Through his heroic efforts, the life of his family member was saved. Would you know what to do if this were your loved one?

ACLS to the Rescue in Heart Failure

Heart failure is a condition that most will face with time. Recognizing those risk factors that contribute to heart failure is a step toward a healthier lifestyle.

Children’s Injuries and Sports – CPR and First Aid

Children get hurt as they play and injury is part of growing up. But what can be done to minimize the potential for childhood injury? Several steps can be taken and as responsible adults, we need to know what to do to keep our kids safe at play.

Chest Pain in Children – PALS to the Rescue (part two)

Uncommon to children is the complaint of chest pain that is related to cardiac injury or illness. Typical pediatric chest pain complaints are due to minor injury, illness or even stress. But when there is a cardiac cause for a child’s chest pain, serious concerns can be raised.

Revised CPR Technique Hopes to Boost the Frequency of Bystander CPR

Every five years, the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation and American Heart Association revisit research and data and in turn, issue changes to the CPR administration. In October 2010, a significant change was made: a shift away from the ABC technique (airway, breathing, and circulation) and towards a CAB approach (chest compressions, airway, and breathing.)

Chest Pain in Children – PALS Training to the Rescue

Occasionally, children complain that their “chest hurts”. Of course, with an adult, one would automatically assume “chest pain” signifies heart problems. But is this the case with children’s complaints of chest discomfort?

PALS Classes Orange County

Are you looking for a PALS Class in Orange County? Let SureFire CPR train you! Pediatric Advanced Life Support Classes are offered on a regular basis at our offices in Orange County. Call us today to schedule your PALS training

American Heart Association PALS Classes are taught by our professional firefighters, paramedics, lifeguards and EMTs. Take our Orange County PALS class today!