NRP Classes in Orange County

Let SureFire CPR be your one stop shop for NRP training in Orange County! We offer multiple classes per month at our locations in Orange and Laguna Hills. Register now!

Gaining a Better Understanding of Fear – BLS and First Aid

I know numerous people who have told me they tend to shy away from taking classes due to an overwhelming feeling of text anxiety. Even when a course is beneficial, fun and enlightening, that last requirement of taking “the test” sends very intelligent and capable people running the other direction. So how does that happen?

Head Pain, Strokes and ACLS

Rain began to fall sometime last night, misty and barely noticeable until this morning when the ground was covered with the fine sheen of water. For most, this would be a pleasant beginning to the day but for many – the rain brought miserable pain. Why does this happen?

Sleep’s Affect on Heart Disease – BLS Basics

A marriage exists between two necessary parts of living – the need for a solid night’s sleep and cardiac health. Yet it is often a love-hate relationship between sleep and our heart. Indeed, to be lacking in either can lead to a rapid decline in overall wellness. How is this possible?

Basic Life Support Training Orange County

For most, beginning the day without a morning cup of java is unthinkable. In fact, coffee is the mainstay breakfast beverage for over 80% of the adult US population. So how does drinking coffee every day affect your heart? The answer might surprise you.

Choking and CPR

Few things are more frightening than choking on a piece of food or inhaling fluid. That terrifying moment when you cannot get a breath and reflexively begin coughing is not soon forgotten. Yet it happens all the time. Do you know what to do when a loved one chokes?

Keeping St. Patrick’s Day Lucky – CPR and Heart Disease (part 2)

“I besot myself to rich Irish spirits and awoke the next day forlorn, ‘tis true. Me luck’s run out this and me good heart’s abandoned this most sorrowful morn’.” Is it possible to celebrate and avoid risky behavior that can lead to heart attack? Yes! Find out how.

Basic First Aid for Children

There is no question society has become more active and with the many different opportunities for athletic events, water and snow activities, dance and gymnastics offered to children, it’s no wonder the risk for injury has increased somewhat with our younger population. Would you know what to do to give assistance during the first few minutes after an injury occurred until professional help arrives?

Stopping Strokes and CPR

Called “the Power to End Stroke Movement”, the American Heart Association’s program provides education about the risk factors leading to possible stroke. Learn how you can join the movement.